IQubz is a Microsoft Dynamics CRM partner and provides custom CRM development on Dynamics CRM platform. We specialize in Dynamics CRM integration with other systems using Dynamics CRM web services API, Scribe data integration tools and SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS). Additionally, we provide Dynamics CRM analytics and reporting using SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) and SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
Below are examples of the custom CRM development projects we’ve completed for our clients in various industries.
Real Estate CRM with CRM Data Integration
Real Estate CRM, a Dynamics CRM custom solution developed for a commercial real estate broker with offices in Orange County, California enables its users to track website leads, clients and their interests in real estate properties currently for sale. This is an example of Dynamics CRM customization and integration consulting from IQubz. The solution is closely integrated to import information directly into Dynamics CRM from the client’s website which is deployed using ListingLab.
Construction CRM with CRM Data Migration
Construction CRM, a Dynamics CRM custom solution, developed for a general building contractor with offices in Los Angeles and Orange County, California enables its users to maintain and monitor the opportunities, bids and projects, and manage relationships with its clients, prospects, contractors, architects, property mangers and property owners. This is an example of Dynamics CRM customization, integration, reporting and analytics consulting from IQubz.
Healthcare CRM/xRM with CRM Integration
Healthcare Provider CRM/xRM, a Dynamics CRM custom solution, developed for a healthcare data service provider client to customize Dynamics CRM and import latest National Provider Identifier (NPI) records to augment their contact, hospital affiliation and taxonomy / specialty information with the existing provider records in Dynamics CRM. This is an example of Dynamics CRM customization, integration, and how Dynamics CRM is used to develop a custom business application.
Hospitality CRM and Hotel Analytics
Hospitality CRM and Hotel Analytics, a Dynamics CRM custom solution, developed for a hospitality client with hotels and resorts in India and Thailand. This customized Dynamics CRM solution imports guest bookings and budget data in Dynamics CRM, and provides CRM analytics. This is an example of Dynamics CRM customization, integration and analytics.